Saturday, 24 March 2012

Properties of Sand

Mineral Composition, whether single mineral grains like quartz sand, or made up of other minerals or small rock fragments. Sands containing a large proportion of heavy minerals, such as rutile and zircon are mined as sources of titanium and zirconium. There are also sands rich in magnetite, suitable for treating as iron ore.

Grain size and size distribution (sorting). Well sorted sands (single sized) are useful for industrial applications, whereas sand with a wide distribution of grainsize is preferred for concrete manufacture (because a poorly sorted sand has less pore space, and less cement is needed in making concrete).

Porosity and permeability. Well sorted sand has a higher permeability, and is suitable for drainage materials and, especially if pure quartz sand, for water filtration.

Grain shape (angular, subangular or rounded). More angular sand is preferred for concrete manufacture, and well-rounded sand is preferred for filtration sand.